1986 OmegaTribeのファースト・アルバム「Navigator」今年限りじゃない

It was a shocking debut. 1986 Omega Tribe. It's the spring of 1986. 衝撃的なデビューでした。 1986オメガトライブ 。 それは、1986年の春です。 This is because Shinji Takashima and Toshitsugu Nishihara, who were members of "Kiyotaka Sugiyama & Omega Tribe" who disbanded in 1985, inherited the name of "Omega Tribe" and formed a group. Is it a band, a group, or a project? There may be various backgrounds, but at that time I couldn't understand the circumstances behind the scenes. So, I simply thought "This is good!" To the joy of "Omega Tribe never ended" and the singing voice of new vocalist Carlos Toshiki. The debut song "Kimi wa 1000%" was a big hit. I listened to it on the radio. Moreover, because it is an AM radio, I feel that the unique response and the depth unique to monaural have amplified the resort feeling. I was instantly captivated. 1985年に解散してしまった「 杉山清貴&オメガトライブ 」のメンバーだった 高島信二 さんと 西原俊次 さんが『 オメガトライブ 』の名前を継承してグループを結成したからです。 バンドなのか、グル...